=== Complianz Privacy Suite (GDPR/CCPA) premium ===
Contributors: RogierLankhorst
Tags: GDPR, CCPA, AVG, E-Privacy
Requires at least: 5.8
License: Complianz Terms of Use (Premium, see pro/license.txt), and where applicable GPL 2 (Free)
Requires PHP: 7.2
Tested up to: 6.5
Stable tag: 7.0.7
Complianz Privacy Suite with a Cookie Consentbanner and customized Cookie Policy based on the results of the built in Cookie Scan.
== Description ==
Complianz Privacy Suite with a Cookie Consentbanner and customized Cookie Policy based on the results of the built in Cookie Scan.
IMPORTANT! Complianz Privacy Suite can help you meet compliance requirements, but you as user must ensure that all requirements are met.
= Installation =
* Go to “plugins” in your Wordpress Dashboard, and click “add new”
* Click “upload”, and select the zip file you downloaded after the purchase.
* Activate
* Navigate to “Complianz”, and follow the instructions
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
== Change log ==
= 7.0.7 =
* Fix: error in banner loader
= 7.0.6 =
* Improvement: catch not isset region
* Improvement: restore html editing capability in banner text editor
* Improvement: don't revert to default if a field is cleared in the banner editor
* Improvement: performance of the Cookiedatabase sync when large numbers of cookies are present
* Fix: WordPress 5.9 - 6.2 compatibility in the react UX
* Fix: not correctly upgrading script center configuration
* Fix: do not strip anchors from the region redirect
* Fix: Do not dismiss TCF banner on policy ID change in revokeAllVendors() to ensure the banner is shown after a policy change
= 7.0.5 =
* New: Consent Mode v2
* Fix: retrieving Records of Consent export file name by wrong option name
* Fix: use case for TCF icw Quebuec targeted, but no sensitive data is shared, TCF section condition was too strict, causing tcf not to load on the cookie policy
* Fix: some text domains incorrect
* Fix: css for tooltip
* Fix: auto update path
* Fix: per site activation of single site plugin on multisite
* Fix: clearing of editor not possible in annexes section
* Fix: multisite, not cookies on root selected, policy id should be different for each subsite
* Fix: include banner id in cache key for page links, to ensure different banner data is respected across banner ids.
* Fix: stricter language check on TCF json language locales, to prevent match on second part of language locale
* Fix: jQuery exists check in Elementor integration
* Improvement: add banner title to css class
* Improvement: extend YoTuWP blocklist
* Improvement: whitelist video lightbox in Beaver Builder
* Improvement: allow text in Clarity ID input field
* Improvement: allow long email addresses in datarequests overview
= 7.0.4 =
* Fix: elementor integration
* Fix: additional notices only showing after save
* Improvement: INP performance optimisation
= 7.0.3 =
* New: consent mode
* New: Greenshift + YouTube integration
* Improvement: DNSMPI feedback on form
* Fix: Elementor popup blocked content not unlocking on refresh
= 7.0.2 =
* Fix: loading of cookie banner preview
* Fix: several bugs
= 7.0.1 =
* Fix: after clicking finish button banner settings not loaded correctly
* Fix: catch statistics selection not an array
* Fix: proof of consent button not always showing in records of consent
* Improvement: clear page links transient on post save
* Improvement: default WordPress media_enqueue slow, used an improved method
= 7.0.0 =
* October 18th, 2023
* New: Rework codebase to React Framework
* New: Hybrid cookie scan
* New: Menu-item 'Tools'
* New: Set cookies on root domain
* New: Search for plugins and services
* New: Statistics block on dashboard
* New: Onboarding
* Dropped temp dir from MPDF generation, props @piccart
* Improvement: use custom transient to lower number of database requests
* Translation fix for chunked react components
* Additional Consent Mode TCF integrated
* Added a filter to delete Records of Consent if older than X days
* E-mail obfuscation now uses the antispambot() function
* Consent area on a Twitter embed no longer links to Twitter
* Added translatable aria-label
* Respect DNT on opt-out policy
= 6.5.6 =
* October 4th, 2023
* Fix: translatable string in Canadian Privacy Statement
* Fix: do not enable purpose one by default on TCF cookie policy
* Fix: also clear localstorage & sessionstorage with cookie shredder
* Fix: With only Canada in opt out mode selected, the question 'will you self host Google Fonts' was not visible
* Improvement: setting a class on the parent div of a placeholder with height inherit resolves css issues on some themes, props @maxineblack
* Fix: compatibility with WP Rocket when some iframes are lazy loaded, but not all.
= =
* Fix: bug in get_rest_url usage
= 6.5.5 =
* September 13th, 2023
* Improvement: remove some restrictions on TCF banner configuration
* Improvement: updated AddToAny integration, as AddToAny now supports the WP Consent API, props @micropat
* Improvement: changed get_rest_url().path to get_rest_url(path), props @tnkrthemes
* Fix: %s in cookie policy UK
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* September 6th, 2023
* Fix: set manage consent tab setting back to the default because the 6.5.4 update inadvertently ran this TCF specific upgrade for all banner types.
= 6.5.4 =
* September 5th, 2023
* Improvement: upgrade MPDF version to 8.1.3
* Improvement: prefix 'request' to prevent conflicts with weglot
* Fix: bug in Divi Recaptcha integration
* Fix: Block Editor dropping styles when in unsynced mode
* Fix: Consent Mode moved to banner_loaded hook to ensure loading
* TCF GVL updates
= 6.5.3 =
* 08-08-2023
* Improvement: Tested up to WordPress 6.3
* Improvement: WP Maps integration update by Flippercode
* Improvement: Check if thumbnail Vimeo exist, props @boxonline
* Improvement: str_contains removal for low PHP 7 compatibility
* Improvement: YouTube PLaylist compatibility
= 6.5.2 =
* 11-07-2023
* Fix: catch missing $slug when another plugin drops the slug property
* Fix: auto enabling of auto updates for TCF, to ensure TCF compliance
= 6.5.1 =
* 10-07-2023
* Improvement: restore php 7.2 support in burst installer
* Improvement: catch server configurations not supporting webp
* Improvement: catch not existing file when generating webp
* Improvement: catch not existing $slug property in auto updates check
* Improvement: catch not existing ID in wordpress $post when checking for summary divs
= 6.4.9 =
* June 14th, 2023
* Fix: link to CSV export of Records of Consent not working
* Fix: WordPress 6.2 version moved the Privacy Policy function to a different file. Added fallback for older versions.
* Fix: The fix for the Classic Editor bug which removes summary/details html elements, caused an issue when the post content is empty.
* Improvement: if configuration by Complianz is set to false, the gtag id was added anyway, but empty.
* Improvement: strings in UK cookie policy translatable, which shouldn't be the case.
* Improvement: wrap unzip code of GEOIP database in try/catch
= 6.4.8 =
* Improvement: unhide pagination on data requests page.
* Improvement: Jersey and Guernsey included
* Improvement: move nonce check to earlier in the process
* Improvement: only show notice about duplicate statistics implementation if stats are actually used.
* Improvement: Easy Liveblogs integration
* Fix: Workaround for strange issue where the Classic Tiny MCE editor strips the summary/details tags from the unsynced legal documents html
= 6.4.7 =
* Security: CSRF fixed
* Fix: type=module support for scripts other than inline scripts
* Fix: new shortcode handling for consent area not working for some plugin shortcodes, split in two options: default, the old one, optionally the clientside version.
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* Fix: version mismatch
= 6.4.6 =
* Improvement: Divi integration updated.
* Improvement: aria label on blocked content container
* Fix: store locator map integration updated.
* Fix: placeholder url missing trailing slash
= 6.4.5 =
* Fix: catch not existing post_data if post structure is not following WordPress standards
* Fix: exclude bricks builder from cookie blocker
* Fix: region redirect menu issue for legal documents that apply worldwide.
* Improvement: wording and links in Canadian Cookie Policy
* Improvement: mailchimp woocommerce integration feature activation after consent
* Improvement: updated classic consent area to the same new structure as the new Gutenberg consent area
* Improvement: script type module support in cookie blocker
* Improvement: exclude cornerstone builder from cookieblocker
* Improvement: catch missing slug in TCF library
= 6.4.4 =
* New: Block Editor/gutenberg consent area. Create your own placeholder, and add your consent requiring html in the block editor.
* Fix: wrap data-service and data-category attribute in quotes to prevent issues with some characters, props @marcelbusch
* Fix: For some integrations, the disable placeholder settings wasn't respected
* Fix: cmplz_has_consent() should return false if Do Not Track is enabled
* Fix: added possibility to pass a service to dependency waterfall
* Fix: script center placeholder css field not hidden when placeholder option disabled
* Improvement: add aria-expanded and aria-control to allowed html
* Improvement: extended cookie scan
* Improvement: limit server side cookie header length by removing duplicates, and limiting the max number cookies to be unset server side, props @i4nd90
* Improvement: npm libraries update
= 6.4.3 =
* New: branding update
* Improvement: add exclude cookies filter
* Improvement: add support for parent/child themes, props @dominiccarrington
* Improvement: incorrect bold paragraphs in Privacy Statement for Children
* Improvement: clear blocked scripts cache on ajax save in script center
* Improvement: hubspot integration improved
* fix: cmplz-consent-area shortcode reload loop because of hardcoded marketing category, @matthiaswagner
= 6.4.2 =
* Security update: authenticated Stored XSS
* Fix: disable cookie banner option in wizard didn't load the complianz.js scripts, causing placeholders not to work when activated.
* Fix: After switching to unlinked status in a legal document, purpose paragraph got dropped
* Fix: not all categories within services showing in cookie policy overview
* Fix: isset check on get_field_type function, props @moxymore
* Fix: not translatable VAT ID string
* Fix: remove cmplz_ prefix on usprivacy cookie
* Fix: With Global Privacy Control or Do Not Track enabled, and the user accepting an embedded service, the service was blocked again after a pageload.
* Improvement: Privacy Statement (US), mergers & acquisitions paragrahp
* Improvement: allow custom directory for cookie banner css generation
* Improvement: catch open basedir restriction
* Improvement: catch not existing accept button during initial cookie scan (no banner active yet)
* Improvement: function cmplz_has_consent() in 'other' region returned false when no cookies present, while it should return true in that case.
* New: Buttonizer integration
* New: hCatpcha for WordPress
= 6.4.1 =
* Improvement: do not copy over async attribute to prevent issues re-initializing scripts in some setups
* Improvement: get_cookie() function performance, props @lucastello
* Improvement: add space behind contact details on policy
* Improvement: add our own 'manage_privacy' capability, as the wordpress core manage_privacy_options is not implemented consistently with other capabilities
* Improvement: catch not set array class-document.php 1820
* Improvement: hide blocked iframes until they're consented to, for better UX
* Improvement: PHP 8.2 compatibility
* Improvement: export datarequests on symlinked folder setups (BASE_PATH -> ABSPATH)
* Fix: links to processing agreement create page broken
* Fix: Divi Recaptcha support
* Fix: WP Go Maps Pro update
* Fix: cosmetic change: cmplz_functional should always be allow, props @jidwictut9
* Fix: when editing consent in unsynced mode in Gutenberg, content went missing because of automatically wrapping with divs by gutenberg and missing key props
* New: Agile Store Locator integration
* New: Omnisend Connect integration
= 6.4.0 =
* Fix: GPC & DNT in opt out regions not respected, props @ahegyes
* Improvement: conditional scroll into view on consent area shortcode, props @falkemediawy
* Improvement: MPDF update, props @sviluppomania
* Improvement: catch CURL errors because of local SSL issues, add to system status
* Improvement: return # for not existing page id in case of generated docs by complianz, but not actually generated
* Improvement: Fire load event in divi integration after consent
= =
* Fix: some scripts not executing properly because of copying data-service & data-category attributes props @sophiaknows, @hamil1
* Fix: new added query added to cookie block exclude to ensure Avada live builder works, props @franck_b, @markusand
= 6.3.9 =
* Improvement: Add classes to address details
* Improvement: auto installer for Really Simple SSL multisite compatible
* Improvement: sidebar notice TCF missing css
* Improvement: add filter to allow filtering data-request email recipient 'cmplz_datarequest_email'
* Improvement: translatable URLs in polylang
* New: Microsoft Ads/Microsoft Clarity integration
= =
* Fix: catch not set array key during upgrade
= 6.3.8 =
* Fix: translatable strings, props @bonaldi
* Fix: only allow saving script center
* Fix: error on multisite upgrade
* Fix: catch error when multiple fonts plugins are installed at the same time, props @rkwp
* Fix: catch missing menu for user roles without manage privacy capability, props @nicmare, @omniafausta
* Fix: error in multisite copy of settings to subsites
* Fix: load cookiebanner css on cookie policy, to ensure hiding of obsolete categories, props @troglos
* Fix: cookieshredder on setInterval instead of setTimeout, to ensure continuous cleaning, props @path0
* Fix: set a legal document transient if no Complianz shortcodes are used at all
* New: Adobe Typekit integration
* New: Divi Google Maps integration, props @satzundmore
* Improvement: move script sources to data attribute, to prevent Safari from preloading
* Improvement: consistency in use of capabilities, changed all caps to manage_privacy
* Improvement: Allow é in google maps address, props @nicmare
* Improvement: performance improvements, props @paaljoachim
= =
* Fix: hook to create database table for records of consent running too early, causing tables not to get created on new instances
= =
* Fix: keep cookiebanner html on cookiepolicy if TCF enabled
= 6.3.7 =
* Fix: Change legal document page name on generate, not only on update
* Fix: remove error_log in proof of consent
* Fix: prevent duplicate document status field when Terms & conditions is activated
* Fix: on multisite with TCF enabled, plugin incorrectly showed plugin as not auto updates enabled
* Fix: re-enable caching for cookie list when cookie shredder is enabled, props @mkarena
* Fix: uses_statistics function now also checks if vimeo is used, which is a service using statistics cookies
* Improvement: drop Mappress integration, as Mappress has implemented the integration on their end
* Improvement: Extended Google Fonts support
* Improvement: Explicitly let users enable the cookie banner and cookie blocker
* Improvement: allow for linebreak in blocked scripts, which fixes ExactMetrics integration
* Improvement: when checkbox is inserted in Gravity Forms, but the wizard is not completed yet, the privacy statement url will now be updated on the last step of the wizard
* WCAG: don't add cookie banner html to cookie policy page, to prevent duplicate id issues
* WCAG: add labels with screen-reader-text class instead of hiding them with display:none, props @sophieweb
* New: Uncode maps integration
* New: YotuWP integration
= 6.3.6 =
* Fix: prepare string from translation files when updating banner text, props @saggre
= 6.3.5 =
* Improvement: some optimizations to make the cookie shredder perform better
* Improvement: extend translation options for cookies that are not synced with cookiedatabase when using polylang
* Improvement: use custom thrive hook in certain custom thrive implementations
* Improvement: also copy 'owndomain' property when creating a cookie in a new language
* Improvement: regenerate proof of consent pdf on plugin update
* Improvement: do not offer checkbox on cookie policy for Google Fonts
* Improvement: extend Matomo Tag Manager integration
* Improvement: for created directories, set permissions default to 755
* Improvement: add filter cmplz_banner_html to manage consent area as well, to offer consistent editing of the html
* Improvement: also change banner status with custom revoke button on status change
* Improvement: prevent use of multisite plugin on single site installs, as the license field is only available on network level
* Improvement: clean up error message after manually uploading Geo Ip file
* New: Google Maps colibri integration
* New: WP Google Maps OpenLayers Integration
* New: Content Views Plugin integration to allow for ajax loaded content
* Fix: Disable A/B testing in an export, to prevent issues with the cookie banner
* Fix: Incorrect sorting of Proof of Consent files prevented them from showing up in the list
= 6.3.4 =
* Updated Google Maps Easy integration
* New: ActiveCampaign
* Improvement: force redirect in firefox to reload with full consent withdrawal, as firefox seems to cache loaded scripts
* Improvement: bundle integration activation notices
* Fix: update qTranslate integration to allow for banner fields with $field['text'] strings, props @sviluppomania
* Fix: cookie policy UK not replacing the cookiedatabase.org link because of too many arguments in sprintf
= =
* Fix: catch empty array for cookie shredder functionality
* Fix: shortcode pattern for Gutenberg shortcode recognition didn't include first character
= 6.3.3 =
* Improvement: fallback for manage consent button, in case of upgrade issue
* Improvement: Auto Update setting in system status
* Improvement: conditionally offer link to create menu page
* Improvement: remove unnecessary translatable strings from policy UK and AU
* Improvement: remove unnecessary slash in matomo script
* Improvement: email obfuscation when line break in the email prevented reversal of email
* Improvement: block activation of plugin below php version 7.2
* Improvement: dynamically adjust banner text based on advertising settings
* Improvement: no script tags when there's no actual script to add for statistics
* New: WordPress store locator integration
* New: Presto Player integration
* Fix: changes in manage consent button option causing issue in AMP integration, props @tarbyonline
* Fix: document options in region redirect menu not correctly filtered
* Fix: prevent error in system status when wizard not started yet
* Fix: NOT EMPTY condition on imprint statement
* Fix: no javascript error report unless script debug enabled
= 6.3.2 =
* Improvement: Enable consent statistics without A/B testing
* Improvement: some small dashboard changes
* Improvement: Prevent duplicate cookies in consent per service array
* Improvement: caching improvements
* Improvement: sharing of data multicheckbox with "more options" button
* Improvement: stricter shortcode pattern for gutenberg prevents non intentional redirect to english version when shortcode contains custom class with 'us' string, props @sami54000
* Improvement: prevent empty sharing with other parties statements in privacy policy
* Improvement: stricter regex pattern for youtube in elementor, preventing issues when video is self hosted, props @hatchjaw
* Improvement: extend custom css examples
* Improvement: catch situation where user selects that social media are used, but does not select any social media
* Improvement: drop defer from matomo js, as it is deprecated in favor of async
* Fix: typo in cookie policy
* Fix: conflict with older geo ip library in GEO Ip Detect plugin
* Fix: numbering in TCF policy incorrect
* Fix: Woocommerce analytics integration icw Stripe, props @xbaeza
* Fix: string change: for placeholders, you can now use a DIV class or an ID
* Fix: glitch in cookie banner statistics when hovering
* Fix: npm library updates
= 6.3.1 =
* Improvement: Catch php 5.6 error for geo ip
* Improvement: space after missing p tag removed
* Improvement: Consent per Service banner reappearing when making changes in service consent on the cookie policy
* Improvement: Burst integration not compatible with caching/defer
* Improvement: option to override the region by passing a parameter in the URL.
* Improvement: UK legal docs text improvements
= 6.3.0 =
* Improvement: United States update
* Improvement: download Geo IP file zipped
* Improvement: added filter cmplz_detected_cookies to enable directly adding cookies to detection
* Improvement: add languages by qTranslate to languages list for cookie translations, props @pmoh
* Improvement: more options for the manage consent button
* Improvement: updated Brazilian contact information ANPD
* Improvement: date localization in cmplz_localize_date function props @leoay
* Improvement: preserve uppercase in service names
* Improvement: disable autoload for back-end options, lowering front-end memory usage
* Improvement: PHP 8.1 compatibility
* Improvement: Ghostery conflict in cookie banner editor
* Improvement: Skip statistics wizard step when no statistics selected
* Improvement: Drop AW script after switch from google-analytics to other statistics tool
* New: add div placeholder by id, not just class
* New: Twitch integration
* Fix: cmplz-revoke-link shortcode not working due to changed classes, props @rana-rene
* Fix: minification error due to minifier stripping of '%', props @wpjamg
* Fix: clear pdf generation tmp directory after usage, props @kernvy
* Fix: [video] shortcode integration compatibility with Bold Builder + primavera
= 6.2.4 =
* Improvement: Get ready for cookieless tracking in Burst Statistics/Analytics
* Improvement: shepherd css class
* Improvement: move ace to vendor dir, to prevent translation scan, props @tobifjellner
* Improvement: added tcf locales
* Improvement: No data requests notice if no datarequests available
* Improvement: Elementor video playlist integration
* Improvement: less option updates in integrations
* Improvement: new filter for compatibility with qTranslate
* Improvement: drop text/javascript from scripts, as it is default
* Improvement: no defer on inline scripts, props @Lofesa
* Improvement: back-end css improvements
* Fix: heading 'Third parties' showing when not required, because of missing condition
= 6.2.3 =
* Fix: missing document-grid.css for configuration without Complianz css
= 6.2.2 =
* Fix: name of datarequests setting not consistent
= 6.2.1 =
* Design update for the admin pages
* Fix: Download button for data breaches
* Fix: FitVids not activating on category_enabled hook, props @goretex34
* Fix: legacy data requests showing broken icon
= =
* language updates
= 6.2.0 =
* New: Beaver Builder Power Pack
* New: Superfly integration
* New: Switzerland supported
* Improvement: change A tag of close button in banner to div, for WCAG
* Improvement: add maps.google.de to blocklist
* Improvement: wp bakery front end editor exclude cookie banner
* Improvement: Consent mode
* Fix: Shepherd skipping some steps
* Fix: Generating Proof Of Consent with PHP 8 causing PHP error, props @ltglobal
* Improvement: Data request forms
= =
* Fix: usage of dropped constants in GTM4WP causing fatal error, props @shecky
= 6.1.6 =
* Fix: elementor fix for inline css, matching regex made more specific
* Fix: catch serialized string in PolyLang
* Fix: allow string translations in Polylang, except for purposes. Prevent syncing translatable strings across languages. props @bosendorfer
* New: WP adverts Google Maps integration, props @titusb
* New: Advanced Ads Integration
* Improvement: prevent weird Avada bug triggering save_post hook on front-end, causing issues with Woocommerce PayPal integration, causing order key stripped
* Improvement: elementor fix for inline css, matching regex made more specific
* Improvement: extend is_pagebuilder_preview function with more Elementor $_GET variables
* Improvement: change vimeo purpose to statistics, props @alfi_-1
* Improvement: Facebook Video Embed Elementor integration
* Improvement: Exclude WooCommerce products from scan, preventing large nr of not relevant cookies to get detected, props @dwnl
* Improvement: AMP default hidden in inline amp css
* Improvement: add support for legacy WordPress Video shortcode, still used in siteorigin pagebuilder, props @stclaus
* TCF: fix script error in opt out region
= 6.1.5 =
* Fix: 'NOT' condition not loading correctly, props @rickvanleeuwen
* TCF: per the new IAB guidelines, last updated date and created date should be the same, without hour and seconds.
= 6.1.4 =
* Fix: reCaptcha integration in combination with consent per service, props @esby
* Improvement: integration which fixes bug in Thrive theme which removes other plugin's inline css
* Improvement: legal update to imprint/impressum
* Improvement: adjustments to EU configuration to allow for Switzerland as region
* Improvement: add Burst Statistics to suggested plugins for privacy friendly statistics
* Fix: Burst Statistics integration could cause duplicate hits in some situations
* Fix: Placeholders for Elementor Facebook and Twitter widget, and allow for Consent Per Service
* Fix: Consent per service icw Elementor Youtube implementation
* Fix: US revoke statistics with forceEnableStats
* Fix: activeCampaign vgo undefined
* Improvement: Use category as fallback for service consent
= =
* Fix: drop Elementor Pro Cookie Banner support
* Fix: drop aria-checked=true for input type=checkbox, props @lofesa
* Improvement: improve caching mechanism to ensure that on even for persistent cached database queries, these get updated when necessary
* Fix: Uncaught TypeError: service is null when Elementor integration used in combination with Cookie Shredder/consent per service
* Improvement: new event for integrations 'cmplz_status_change_service'
* Improvement: when checking callback function, also check for prefix
* Improvement: user registration pro
* Fix: duplicate id in back-end radio field
= 6.1.3 =
* Fix: Consent Mode consenting to marketing when preferences was accepted
* Fix: Burst Statistics integration triggering twice
= 6.1.2 =
* New: Integration for Burst - Privacy Friendly Statistics
* Fix: localhost reference in default css, props @toxicum
* Fix: saving of category selection in integrations
* Fix: saving of border radius of 0 in cookie banner
* Fix: race condition in TCF
* Fix: Woocommerce Google Analytics - Enhanced Ecommerce integration
* Improvement: editable "I Agree" button for consent per service/Cookie Shredder
* Improvement: cache get and cache set on database queries on the cookie policy and cookie shredder, removing duplicate queries, props David
* Improvement: add duplicate banner option when A/B testing enabled
* Improvement: don't track records of consent for bots
* Improvement: automatically disable SSL verify if user server does not supports it
* Improvement: text in impressum regarding journalistic content.
* Improvement: TCF features incorrectly could be unchecked. Changed checkboxes to disabled, props Robert
* Improvement: transients replace with own transients
= =
* Fix: WP Rocket lazyload integration should not load when lazy load not enabled in wp rocket
= 6.1.1 =
* New: Matomo Tag Manager / WP Piwik
* Improvement: TCF default legitimate interest inactive
* Improvement: export banner settings option
* Improvement: remove space after empty text, causing unnecessary paragraphs
* Improvement: force auto updates for TCF
* Improvement: use close button with enter, props @benqwerty
* Improvement: limit banner image size to banner editor only, props @bkwineper
* Improvement: lazy load integration for WP Rocket and LazyLoader plugin, props @Lofesa
* Improvement: change divs in banner to spans, props @kbelimpassakis
* Improvement: move inline css to head, props @kbelimpassakis
* Improvement: lock css file on css generation in banner
* Improvement: clean up blocked scripts after activation, props @puregraphx
* Improvement: check if detected ip in geo ip is localhost or empty, if so, fall back to other method
* Improvement: run load_plugin_textdomain for Loco Translate compatibility props @peterforensys
* Fix: save/enable on integrations slider
* Fix: dismiss Elementor pro activated notice
* Fix: fixed accidentally re-activating deactivated services on cookiedatabase.org sync
= =
* Improvement: Themify Integration
* Improvement: WP Adverts integration, props @titusb, @gwin
* Improvement: Thrive integration, props @spike05de
* Improvement: editable text for consent per service placeholder
* Fix: due to dropped jquery, some features for TCF cookie policy not working
* Fix: Due to change from google-analytics.js to gtag.js, anonymizeIp has changed to anonymize_ip, props @ccalislar35
* Fix: On sync, include services without cookies, even if completed
= 6.1.0 =
* New: CookieShredder
* CSS: simplify scrollbar in dashboard css
* CSS: drop overflow: auto on header
* CSS: drop min-width 300px below 350px
* CSS: set bottom banner to bottom on mobile as well
* CSS: padding on links in legal pages
* CSS: override theme flex property on buttons in banner
* CSS: override theme line height property on manage consent button
* CSS: set bottom corners to radius 0 on manage consent button
* Improvement: matomo cookieless tracking
* Improvement: hide not required fields if no documents are selected, props @paaljoachim
* Improvement: allow for time zone offset when saving consent in records of consent
* Improvement: keep categories in sync https://github.com/Really-Simple-Plugins/complianz-gdpr/issues/324 props @antonellon
* Improvement: Link to permalink settings when notice is shown
* Improvement: DNT feedback string improved
* Improvement: drop fieldname class from fields in settings page, to prevent conflicts
* Improvement: CloudFlare CFCustom geo ip option
* Improvement: new options for GEO ip
* Improvement: allow saving of empty script center blocks
* Improvement: on switch to TCF banner, regenerate the banner css
* Improvement: obfuscate email address also with css
* Improvement: remove condition on categories settings in cookie banner setting, to allow for manage consent area configuration in cookie policy
* Improvement: catch Tatsu pagebuilder preview
* Improvement: auto enable GEO ip if records of consent enabled
* Improvement: disable hide cookiebanner option on legal pages
* Improvement: added font size option
* Improvement: responsiveness wizard
* Improvement: cookiebanner required feedback
* Improvement: new option to disable width auto correction
* Improvement: ratio option for placeholders on openstreetmap
* Improvement: added Flexible Maps integration
* Improvement: Less conditions on german paragraph in impressum
* Improvement: drop title element from svg in banner, props @alexbosch
* Improvement: p elements on all paragraphs in legal documents
* Improvement: add toggle to hide the legal document links on the banner
* Fix: Novo Maps integration
* Fix: domains with 'type' in the url could not load the css file props @nimdaweb
* Fix: Hubspot integration
* Fix: catch not set enable dependency key
* Fix: preview cookiebanner not always correctly updated.
* Fix: paging in integrations
* Fix: remove
tag from close button. props @doubleyourbrand
* Fix: only reload on a deny action if marketing was accepted props @dasisdormax
* Fix: allow mappress en google maps enabled at the same time
* Fix: allow quotes in custom css
* Fix: export filtered dataset from Records of Consent
* Fix: in cmplz_fire_categories, declare event as local variable, fixing theme conflicts with global declared variables props @jrt341.
* Fix: fix revert to defaults for text_checkbox booleans @puregraphx
= 6.0.14 =
* Fix: z-index of tour on integrations page
* Fix: amp integration not using the new array structure yet
* Improvement: toggles on script center custom scripts
* Improvement: move TCF vendorlist to cookiedatabase.org, and improve fallback mechanism
* Improvement: comment on manage consent button setting
= 6.0.13 =
* Improvement: auto enable migrate.js when upgrading from <6 to 6.0 and up
= 6.0.12 =
* Fix: allow for configuration which could cause empty buttons.
* Fix: anonymous statistics description toggle showing when field is disabled props @kaznim, @puregraphx.
= 6.0.11 =
* Fix: multiple regions in default css
= 6.0.10 =
* Improvement: when some updates were skipped, old varchar columns could cause row size too large issues, causing banner settings not to get saved.
* Improvement: if obsolete categories type 'hidden' still was in use, force override to 'view-preferences'
* Improvement: fallback to default css if custom generated css wasn't available due to file write permissions or skipped upgrade
* Fix: When text fields are empty, like the deny button, fallback to default value.
= 6.0.9 =
* Fix: detect duplicate upgrade in banner
= 6.0.8 =
* Fix: hidden category type enabled on wizard changes
* Fix: unescape texts in banner links
= 6.0.7 =
* CSS: to prevent theme css conflicts, reset values for: display block op label:after, summary, line-height buttons, margin on manage consent button, row reverse on buttons/bottom
* Fix: catch PHP 8.1 errors
* Improvement: catch not writable uploads folder
* Improvement: allow custom privacy statement and impressum documents on banner in free version
* Fix: auto adjust banner width code "walking"
* Fix: TCF for CCPA dismissed banner on pageload
= 6.0.6 =
* Improvement: fallback on small images in cookie banner
* Fix: enable blocked images after consent
* Fix: gap css improvements
* Improvement: auto install suppport
* Improvement: languages update
* Improvement: text change https://github.com/Really-Simple-Plugins/complianz-gdpr/issues/331
= 6.0.5 =
* Fix: link for white listing documentation, props @scheinercc
* Fix: update Pixel your site integration to 6.0 structure
* Fix: elementor placeholder css
* Fix: add cmplz- prefix to position as class from banner
* Improvement: css for opt out improved
* Fix: duplicate function name in store locator integration
* Fix: custom 'other purpose' translatable
* Fix: fire categories event on page load to allow Consent Mode to initialize correctly
* Fix: TCF language detection not working for norwegian because of bokmal prefix
* Fix: Image upload fallback for very small images, default preview when no image selected
* Improvement: hide link if corresponding legal page was not created yet
* Improvement: company country in impressum
* Improvement: cache queries for front-end to prevent duplicate queries
= 6.0.4 =
* Improvement: add more info to system status
* Improvement: Gtag does not need anonymize ip, as this is the default
* Fix: soft cookie wall in combination with opt-out consent type causing banner not to show
* Improvement: gap property not supported in safari, summary arrows on samsung mobile
* Improvement: TCF/IAB json files vendorlist improvements
* Fix: set service as bodyclass
* Fix: handle css for anonymous/default stats on cookie policy correctly
* Fix: race condition when only statistics was enabled, caused by reload
* Improvement: Oxygen builder support
= 6.0.3 =
* Fix: Open StreetMaps / OSM plugin integration
* Fix: updated all statistics integrations
= 6.0.2 =
* Improvement: allow both consent per category and consent per service on the custom consent area shortcode
* Improvement: show summary of detected cookies instead of full list on the scan page
* Fix: WP Google Maps integration
* Fix: records of consent could track a duplicate hit if two requests were triggered at the same time
= 6.0.1 =
* Fix: statistics consent when the questions "do you want to ask consent for statistics" has been answered with yes
* Fix: cmplz-document class on body when soft cookie wall was enabled
* Fix: {url} links detected by automatic tools
* Fix: css fix: limit category classes to banner only
* Fix: separate cookies with same name and different services in cookie list (Facebook/Instagram)
* Improvement: drop h1 and h2 from banner to prevent styling issues with styles from overriding themes
= 6.0.0 =
* Improvement: new Script Center, with option to add dependencies and placeholders
* Improvement: complete rewrite of the cookiebanner code, faster, modular, easily customizable.
* Improvement: removed jquery as dependency from the cookiebanner javascript
* Fix: new array structure for cookiebanner settings causing error with translations.
* Fix: load tcf stub als first action on page
* Fix: catastrophic backtracking with regex on iframes that do not contain a URL, props @ajoah https://github.com/Really-Simple-Plugins/complianz-gdpr/issues/320
* Improvement: auto consent for visits from bots
= =
* Fix: regex pattern in placeholder code should allow for linebreaks props @ajoah
* Fix: license check for TCF
* Improvement: changed order in ip number checks in GEO ip feature, to allow for some not standard hosting companies
* Fix: on multisite, when the settings "set cookies on root" is used, the rt prefix should not be used.
* Improvement: limit DPO question to EU and UK only
* Fix: obsolete paragraph in Brazilian privacy policy
* Fix: duplicate word "telephone" in Impressum
* Fix: after enabling region redirect, i.c.w. a general document like impressum, the notice about not all pages having been linked did not go away
* Improvement: some improvements on imprint regarding strings required in German.
= 5.5.2 =
* Fix: load google analytics also when banner is not required
* Improvement: when license is not activated, don't re-check on each pageload.
= 5.5.1 =
* Fix: auto update disabled for other plugins
= =
* Improvement: Animate task dismissal
* Fix: typo's in texts
* New translations
* Improvement: add "enable_tcf_support" variable to gtag.js
= 5.5.0 =
* New: Region Redirect option in settings
* New: Placeholder themes and customization options
* New: Google Consent Mode for Google Tag Manager and GTAG.js
* Improvement: Imprint labeling for legal form
* Improvement: Cookiedatabase optin to optout
* Improvement: prepare update notice for 6.0
* Improvement: new filter 'cmplz_cookiescan_post_types' for posttypes in cookiescan
* Improvement: sharing of data section from different regions merged
* Improvement: line break in legal documents after publish/checked date
* Fix: Terms & Conditions recommendation not showing in free version
* Fix: automatic redirect to English for native English docs
* TCF: enable TCF in Brazil, South Africa and Australia
* TCF: legal basis not checked when not used by any vendors.
* TCF: keep purposes with same id in sync when checked.
* TCF: Clear TC string if it was created over 365 days ago
* Fix: CSV download of records of consent not working in FireFox
* Fix: detection of WP Consent API support in wizard not showing correct result
* Fix: Imprint missing a paragraph due to condition
= =
* New: WP Store locator maps integration
* Improvement: some string changes
* Improvement: save feedback
* New: WCAG option on the admin
* New: cmplz_choice cookie also available without a/b testing or records of consent
* Fix: restore youtube-nocookie url to be recognized as URL for YouTube placeholders
* Fix: allow marketing cookies on accept deny, props @klous-1
= =
* Fix: anonymizeip double quote in gtag.js
= 5.4.0 =
* Improvement: separate object to legitimate interest in TCF
* New: new region: Brazil
* Improvement: merged EU and US Data Protection officer questions in wizard
* Improvement: some line breaks in privacy statements
= 5.3.1 =
* New: Meks Easy Maps
* Fix: keep cookie and service lists in sync across languages when new languages are added.
* Fix: auto update notice condition reversed
* Fix: on the root website of a multisite setup accept all did not enable statistics
* New: Avada integration
= =
* Fix: French translation causing fatal error
= 5.3.0 =
* Improvement: textual changes in cookie policy
* Improvement: save selected setting in localstorage for dropdowns in dashboard
* Improvement: change retention into expiration
* Improvement: better privacy policy link description for Complianz
* Improvement: privacy friendly analytics feedback in DE
* Improvement: samesite and secure cookies for Google Analytics and gtag.js
* Improvement: daily check for free translation files, and admin notice if free is not deleted
* Improvement: notice about conflicting cookie banner plugins
* Improvement: append banner to end of body element, to improve LCP
* Improvement: linkedin placeholder
* Fix: no integration notice when WP Google Maps active
* Fix: GTM categories not included in A/B tests
* Fix: extend core WP privacy annex
* Improvement: correct Elementor css causing styling issues on Complianz pages.
* New: Imprint
* Fix: initialize the __tcfapi() and postmessage functionality
* Improvement: several changes to the way TCF is handled
* Improvement: do not autoload class with class_exists check in cmplz_uses_gutenberg() function props @knomepasi
= =
* Improvement: new IAB TCF storage disclosure requirement regarding cookie refresh.
* Improvement: if vendor has only legitimate interest, legint checkbox on vendor level is disabled
= =
* Improvement: increase vendorlist download frequency
= 5.2.6 =
* Fix: upgrade SQL for 5.2.0 statistics upgrade.
* Fix: Sync services in multilanguage environment
* Improvement: prevent naming conflicts with custom posttypes when region redirecting by adding a prefix
* Fix: A/B testing on multisite DB column mismatch because of new rt_ cookie prefix
* Fix: consent area required a cookiename change on multisite environments because of rt_ cookie prefix
= =
* Fix: legitimate interests enabled by default in TC String
= 5.2.5 =
* Fix: placeholder detection used wrong key, resulting in default placeholder
= =
* data breach report dropdown
= 5.2.4 =
* minor bug fix
= 5.2.3 =
* Fix: text domain correction
* Fix: min-width upload button
* Fix: in subdirectory installations, the find_wordpress_basepath function could not find the wp installation, props @ianpegg
* Improvement: re-structured services detection
* Improvement: drop TGM integration
* Improvement: flags for multiple regions
* TCF/IAB: some changes to keep the banner and cookie policy compliant with the IAB requirements
* Improvement: enable auto updates
= =
* Fix: TCF prefix not retrieved
= =
* Translations update
* Fix: TCF in combination with opt out banner causes opt out banner to stay hidden due to css change improving CLS
* Fix: Cookie name change needed to get updated in the TCF integration
= =
* Translations update
= 5.2.2 =
* Fix: When choosing anonymous statistics from a not supported statistics type, the wizard forced configuration by Complianz.
= 5.2.1 =
* Fix: arguments error in notice
= 5.2.0 =
* New: TikTok integration
* New: South Africa POPIA support
* Fix: On multisite, root/main site cookies get different prefix, to prevent browser from getting confused about cookies on root and subpaths.
* Fix: Monsterinsights integration causing two pageviews
* Fix: Restore ajax loaded content blocker option, which was not following the setting's input
* Improvement: load TCF strings for the wizard also from the IAB/TCF files shipped with the plugin
* Improvement: set background color of TCF banner to same color as same dropdowns in cookie policy
* Improvement: reset padding bottom for iframes during blocked status where responsiveness is handled with a padding-bottom 56%.
* Improvement: CLS improvement for TCF.
* Fix: several small fixes in the Databreach wizard
* Improvement: Detect Google Maps integration, and show notice about possible solution
* Improvement: Disable ACF integration when any of the other Google Maps integrations is detected
* Improvement: make TCF banner buttons color editable
* Improvement: databreach wizard disclaimer
* Improvement: added fallback URL for TCF data
= 5.1.3 =
* Fix: CLS score fix caused TCF banner to re-appear after dismissing
= 5.1.2 =
* Fix: TCF CLS score
* Fix: dropshadow on TCF banner
= 5.1.1 =
* Fix: copy shortcode for multiple regions always selecting first shortcode
* Fix: translations for TCF not pulled in correctly in certain race conditions
* Fix: allow for German Ringel S in Google Maps addresses
= 5.1.0 =
* New: Privacy Act 1988 Australia
* Update: Privacy Statements US/Canada.
* Fix: miscelaneous cookies without information in another language defaulted to the wrong translation
* New: Pixel your site pro
* Improvement: changed "Analytical" to "statistical".
* Fix: terminology in US/CA documents "to citizens and legal permanent residents of" instead of "to citizens of"
* Fix: explicitly ask consent in some EU regions question restored
= 5.0.3 =
* Improvement: new purposes for EU/UK
* Fix: shepherd loop
* Improvement: switch consent area in cookie policies
* Fix: Elementor integration after reload
* New: Variation swatches for Woocommerce integration
* Fix: link to processing agreement in wizard
* Improvement: show "hide cookie banner" metabox only on public post types
= =
* Fix: css for summary/details on privacy policy updated
= 5.0.2 =
* Fix: Exclude RSS feed from cookie blocker.
* CSS: save button to primary on license
* Improvement: tips & tricks not translatable
* Fix: CSS styles for cookies shortcode
* Fix: since 5.0 UK could not set the categories type separately
* Fix: preview of categories in automatically hidden after timeout
* Improvement: option to set a default region for not selected regions.
* Fix: upgrade integrations notices to 5.0 style
* Improvement: when cookie banner isn't necessary, show "open" notice instead of "completed"
* Fix: on duplicate cookies cleanup, do not delete cookies when from different services
* Fix: Processing field for 'other' option, linked textfield wasn't shown when selected
* Fix: feedback on settings saved responsive and multilanguage proof
* Improvement: change varchar fields in cookiebanner table to text, to preven max rowsize warnings on some installations.
* Fix: warning about CMP files after deactivating TCF
= =
* Improvement: US Disclosed list not required
* Improvement: tooltips to flow "up"
* Fix: not possible to switch off box-shadow due to default setting and false comparison.
= =
* Fix: some banner fields not editable for TCF banner
* Fix: hyperlink color on accept button in opt-out banner not passed to front-end.
* Improvement: integrations enabled notice dismissed for upgraded users.
* Improvement: body status classes consistency improved by always using categories. Use of 'allow' and 'deny' is dropped
* Improvement: catch error on cookie retrieval in sandboxes iframe
= 5.0.1 =
* TCF CSS changes
* Translations update
* Changed enqueue scripts to enqueue inline scripts
* Elementor Ultimate Add on integration
* Improvement: load TCF files from plugin's server.
= 5.0.0 =
* New: Animations and more customizations on cookie banner
* New: Integrations for 10+ plugins and services
* Improvement: UX
* Improvement: WCAG on policies
* Improvement: Adjustments for CNIL
* Improvement: A/B Testing adjustments
* Improvement: Elementor integration improved
* New: WeGlot support
* Improvement: moved AMP blocker to AMP integration
= 4.9.13 =
* New: WP Video Lightbox integration
* New: Extended pixelyoursite to the Pro integration
* New: Easy Fancy Box integration
* Fix: Records of consent dynamic PDF search
* Fix: custom Tag Manager events translatable
= 4.9.12 =
* Legal: ending delimiter in clicky recognition regex
= 4.9.11 =
* Legal: Do Not Sell My Personal information form moved up to top of policy in accordance with recent changes
* Fix: Elementor integration firing init, causing issues with hamburger menu
* New: Clicky integration
* New: feedback for AMP/no javascript
* Fix: lanuage when requesting over rest-api with polylang
* Fix: When using Geo IP, and visiting the website from one of the supported regions, but that region is not selected, it incorrectly showed a banner.
= 4.9.10 =
* New: Novo Maps integration
* Improvement: pinterest blocklist extended
* Fix: not 100% in wizard because of CF7 notification, even when not applicable.
* Improvement: don't show update notification for Terms & Conditions using TGMPA
= 4.9.9 =
* Improvement: only show CF7 notice when recaptcha is active
= 4.9.8 =
* Improvement: Events Calendar integration
* Drop Contact Form 7 integration as of CF7 5.4, due to continuous breaking changes in CF7. Contact Form 7 should integrate with the WP Consent API instead.
= 4.9.7 =
* Improvement: cookie policy overview css for mobile
* Fix: Youtube in Elementor widget after Elementor update not blocking anymore
= 4.9.6 =
* Fix: Revoke on cookie policy with accept/deny banner
* Improvement: do not re-run marketing after consent
* Improvement: clear cookies after cookie policy id change. Resolves issues for WPML users with cookiepath issues
* Improvement: activate blocked images on consent
* Fix: prevent infinite loop in Canada region with certain configurations
* Improvement: limit number of requests by jquery error detection
* Improvement: compliance with new TCF requirements
* Improvement: Advanced Captcha reCaptcha updated to integrate with latest version
* Improvement: improved URL pattern in URL input field
* Improvement: changed Advanced Custom Fields detection from ACF to ACF_VERSION, as it seems another plugin or theme is using this same function/constant/class
* Improvement: improved method of keeping track of blocked content containers that were already set up, or activated.
* Improvement: TranslatePress compatibility
* Improvement: allow for space in Google Maps iframe embed URL
* Improvement: stricter matching for WooCommerce Google Analytics pro and WooCommerce Google Analytics Integration, preventing matching on other scripts
= =
* Fix: merge integration fix
= 4.9.5 =
* JetPack integration
* Fix: disabling of integrations not working properly after theme support was added.
* Fix: short code for custom consent area not activating due to changes in the jquery events.
= 4.9.4 =
* Fix: when configured with accept/deny, accept on blocked content container not working
= =
* Fix: prevent REST API requests from being cached
= 4.9.3 =
* Fix: not storing consent
= 4.9.2 =
* Improvement: Fn.resize shorthand is deprecated
* Improvement: pass language to ajax calls with two character language code
* New: records of consent
* New: Woocommerce Analytics Pro integration
* New: Citadello Directory integration
* Improvement: when new languages are added to a site (multilanguage setup) ensure each cookie is added in every new language
* Fix: on multisite environments cookies were set on language subdomains instead of root. This fix sets cookiepath to root for WPML and polylang
= 4.9.1 =
* Fix cookie path on sites where WordPress is installed in a subfolder
= =
* Translation updates
= =
* Fix: use get_rest_url() instead of site_url for rest api calls
= 4.9.0 =
* WCAG: Do Not Sell My Personal information form WCAG improvements
* WCAG: fix button accessibility and div for Contact Form 7. props @juliemoynat-tanaguru
* Improvement: set default checkbox style to slider
* Improvement: Recaptcha v2 for CF7 CSS for better placeholder look
* WCAG: fix category checkbox square accessibility. props @juliemoynat-tanaguru
* New: support for plugin "Invisible recaptcha for WordPress"
* New: option to disable monthly automatic cookie scan
* New: Volocation integration
* New: Set cookie path based on site url. This allows for sites in subfolders to place cookies on the subfolder URL only
* Fix: typo in css class
* New: Gravity Forms recaptcha integration
* New: Advanced noCaptcha & invisible captcha integration
* New: Added status change event to be able to hook into consent actions from the user. E.g. a reload on consent action for plugins with server side consent management.
* New: MonsterInsights Enhanced ECommerce integration
* New: Generate Press theme integration
* Fix: Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type. Due to browsers expecting a html document as source, using mp4 as src placeholder caused unexpected behaviour.
* Fix: duplicate statistics tracking on anonymous statistics accept action fix not merged correctly in previous update
* Improvement: new method of ip detection added
* Fix: some strings for Canadian policies not translatable
* Fix: revoke marketing cookies if statistics still enabled, on configurations with non anonymous statistics
* Fix: incorrectly track a/b testing even when a/b testing not enabled
* Fix: PDF generation for data breaches
* Improvement: more context for email on updating legal documents each 12 months in US configurations props @gfields108
* Improvement: resolve jQuery Migrate notice "Global events are undocumented and deprecated" props @m266
* Improvement: change front-end admin-ajax.php calls into rest-api calls
* Improvement: Visual Composer front end editing exclude from the Cookie Blocker
* Improvement: PHP 8 compatibility
* Improvement: IE compatibility
* New: Woocommerce analytics integration (free)
= 4.8.2 =
* Improvement: possibility to add both a marketing and an advertising cookies section
* Fix: prevent double firing of analytics icw native class on accept #926
* Improvement: impressum legal update. https://www.versandhandelsrecht.de/2020/11/fernabsatzrecht/impressum/rstv-mstv-impressum/
* Improvement: fixed two edge cases: Impressum after region change to non EU, analytics script in script center when running analytics from Complianz
= 4.8.1 =
* Fix: Do Not Track & Global Privacy Control feedback in Cookie Policy
* Fix: Shares data test returning false positive because of inverted script center script condition, props Michael
* Fix: Tag Manager script was incorrectly added when Google Tag Manager for WordPress plugin was used, props @imkane
* Fix: PHP warning when classes to insert contain two spaces. props @jadorwin
* Improvement: Revoke cookie consent string changed into Manage Consent
* Improvement: add Post Status for legal documents
* Improvement: remove quotes in WP Google Maps string to prevent German quotes issues
* Improvement: jquery error detection, skip error on line 0 as false positive, prevent overwriting error
* New: Nudgify integration
* New: you can now disable the cookieblocker by adding ?cmplz_safe_mode=1 to the URL
= 4.8.0 =
* Improvement: include stats when in safe mode
* Improvement: CSS style for invisible checkboxes to make them readable by screen readers. props @juliemoynat-tanaguru
* Improvement: load TCF strings directly to prevent editing of required texts
* Improvement: Trust Pulse integration
* Fix: boolean comparison on 1 value for geo ip detection in javascript, causing the plugin to do an unnecessary call to the server.
* Fix: custom statistics script blocking
* Fix: exclude TCF 2.0 / IAB banner css from non GDPR regions
* Fix: allow for matching on relative URL's for script sources, props @onwk
* Fix: Canadian TCF integration was missing vendors overview on Cookie Policy
* Improvement: publisherCountryCode set for TCF
* Improvement: skip translation of cookie properties when Polylang is enabled, as Polylang can't handle different fieldname contexts
* Improvement: banner bottom edgeless theme responsiveness, props @tim
* Improvement: Podcast Player integration, props @vedathemes, @uiuiui7
* Improvement: consent mode Google
* Fix: Disable cookieblocker on AMP when AMP integration not enabled, props @jensminor
* Fix: ony one ID for the cookie policy overview div, props @frown
* Improvement: maximize cookie name length, to prevent display issues
* Improvement: don't show conversion percentage when A/B testing not enabled
* Fix: typo in text domain
* Fix: "Usage" translated with _x function with wrong arguments
= 4.7.7 =
* Improvement: Map Multi Marker integration
* Fix: proof of consent showing cookie descriptions in white because of new cookie policy css props @ollieuk
* Fix: cookie descriptions css causing white space at the bottom on some themes props @umutusu
= 4.7.6 =
* Fix: pass new cookies overview css also when only the cookies shortcode is used.
* Fix: saving of plugin integration settings
* Improvement: some themes overriding the white-space:normal for the blocked content button
* Improvement: don't show "hide cookie banner option when no slug is available
* Improvement: compatibility with native browser lazyload option loading="lazy"
= 4.7.5 =
* Improvement: force display none on video placeholder for themes that are overriding the display none
* Fix: wrong text-domain for a TCF string
* Improvement: cookie list responsive and better compact design
* Improvement: translation of TCF strings in back-end
* improvement: responsiveness for banner bottom with square category checkboxes
* Fix: TCF features not saved correctly
* Fix: statistics paragraph EU/UK cookie policy not taking into account consent differences for statistical cookies
* Fix: advertising section incorrectly in cookie policy showing when no ads are showing
* Improvement: WCAG for blocked content notice: changed clickable div into button
= 4.7.4 =
* Improvement: don't enqueue document css in Gutenberg editor when disabled
* Improvement: no cookie wall on cookie policy
* Improvement: responsiveness of TCF banner
* Improvement: upgrade translation files on activation rather then upgrade from free
* Improvement: stricter instagram detection, preventing false positives on hyperlinks
* Improvement: show feedback on missing jquery and on jquery errors on front-end
* Fix: TCF only loading correctly when GEO ip enabled
* Fix: safe data before loading fields, which could cause conditions not to be updated yet on next pageload
* Fix: set default for personalized ads, to prevent unfocusable document control
* Fix: pass language as parameter with ajax calls, to ensure WPML and polylang translation
= =
* Fix: roll back text/plain on statistics scripts
= 4.7.3 =
* CF 7 reCaptcha v2 fix
* Increase conditional jquery priority to limit chances of deregistering afterwards.
* Extend safe mode with script center features
* TCF implementation
* set custom statistics implementation default to plain so complianz can manage activation
= 4.7.2 =
* Improvement: prevent running of upgrade from free to premium more than once.
* Improvement: add option to flag first party marketing cookies with an integration
* Improvement: set tabindex to 0 for banner controls
* Improvement: limit access to hide banner option to users with manage_privacy capability
* Fix: Do Not Track signal not passed correctly when caching enabled
* Fix: legacy revoke button in US
* Fix: on configurations without marketing cookies "save preferences" was not functioning properly
* Fix: max banner width was implemented with min-width.
= =
* Fix: banner width adjustment not FireFox compatible
= 4.7.1 =
* Fix: legacy revoke button in opt out regions, revoking in manage consent tab in opt out regions
* Improvement: add option to exclude cookie banner from a page
* Improvement: keyboard accessibility of square and slider checkboxes on the banner for WCAG2
* Improvement: when no marketing categories are present, don't show the marketing category on the banner
* Improvement: consent area shortcode caching proof
* Improvement: only accept marketing on placeholder accept
* Improvement: drop obsolete setting cookie_warning_enabled
* Improvement: rename cookieconfig.js to complianz.js to prevent unnecessary blocking by all in one wp security
* Fix: edited some typos
* Improvement: better adjusting to long button texts in the banner
* Improvement: add data-nosnippet to banner div to discourage indexing by search engines
* Improvement: separate question to explicitly let users choose to block recaptcha
* Improvement: google site kit notification
* Fix: accept deny banner variation did not revoke anymore after accepting, then revoking.
* Fix: CAOS integration not working anymore
* Improvements on the consent area shortcode implementation
= =
* Fix: When "no document" was selected for a particular privacy document, a hash could be printed in the banner
= =
* Fix: Vimeo sunset of simple API v2, requiring update of placeholder/thumbnail download
* Fix: Canada getting incorrect privacy statement URL on banner
= =
* updated NL and BE languages were missing a %s placeholder, necessary for correct cookie policy
= 4.7.0 =
* Improvement: WCAG 2 compatibility
* Improvement: WP 5.5 permissions callback default true for public rest api calls
* New: Calendly integration
* New: Consent Shortcode to wrap your content manually [cmplz-consent-area][/cmplz-consent-area]
* Improvement: string update
* Improvement: proof of consent remove unnecessary info
* Improvement: improved activation notice
* Improvement: added Gutenberg preview image
* Improvement: improved Google Maps placeholders
* Fix: placeholders update
* Fix: static Google Maps images integration not working correctly due to regex pattern
* Fix: AMP matching on facebook and facebook-like tag
* Fix: Processors missing agreement notice when option to use processors was disabled
* Fix: Google Ads integration could not be disabled
* Fix: cookiedomain feature could cause indexOf undefined error in specific congfigurations
* Fix: in some configurations not all generated proof of of consent document were displayed, because of duplicate indexes
* NPM package updates
= =
* Google Maps easy integration added
* Split last cookie sync into separate ajax call for better performance
= 4.6.10 =
* Fix: prevent page reload when user chooses functional only in category banner, when no other category has been selected.
= 4.6.9 =
* Fix: option to set cookies on optional domain on multisite was not checked correctly, causing cookies not to get set on some configurations
= 4.6.8 =
* Fix: run upgrade for banner width to prevent saving issues because bannerwidth still has odd number of pixels
* Fix: correctly load defaults so the banner has a fallback if the impressum title is not yet entered.
* Improvement: Syncing or adding used services won't enable integrations
= 4.6.7 =
* Improvement: read more link on double analytics implementation
* Fix: string "obsolete page" not translatable
* improvement: impressum title in cookie banner editable
* Improvement: remove "we do not use ... " statements from cookie policy
* Improvement: facebook for woocommerce integration
* Improvement: support for cross domain cookie consent on multisite
* Improvement: add noreferrer, noopener attributes to links on cookie policy
* Improvement: fix issue where Chrome bug causes blurred banner on uneven width sizes
* Improvement: fix broken Contact Form 7 integrations because of continuous changes to CF7
= 4.6.6 =
* New: Async script center option
* Fix: prevent CSS theme override in some themes on square checkbox
* Fix: prevent warning about rest-api by removing slash
* Fix: marketing level not firing correctly with Tag Manager
* Fix: when Do Not Sell My Personal Information is added, wrong link was highlighted as "upgrade" link
* Improvement: default banner width larger
= 4.6.5 =
* Fix: Tag Manager event not firing in new style checkboxes
* Improvement: catch error when uploads dir is not writable, for pdf creation
* Fix: Correctly replace banner labels in policy
* Fix: after 4.6.0 update script-center custom scripts not firing after consent
* Improvement: Simple Business Directory
* Improvement: dismiss soft cookie wall for categories below marketing
* Fix: manage consent paragraph not in correct paragraph for UK policy
* Improvement: additional css to prevent theme override of classic checkbox css
* Fix: don't show processing agreements notice if no privacy policy is generated by Complianz
* Fix: don't force banner width on top, bottom and fixed banners
= 4.6.4 =
* Improvement: Dismiss review notice with GET to prevent issues with dismissing
* Improvement: Rename updater class to prevent conflicts
* Improvement: Facebook / Twitter Smash Balloon integration added
* Fix: drop blocking of PayPal as third party
= 4.6.3 =
* Fix: load ACF Maps integration only when Google Maps is enqueued
= 4.6.2 =
* Fix: fallback for banner settings in case upgrade to new category banners didn't run successfully
* Fix: cmplz_set_cookie function called without expiration, causing a session expiration
= 4.6.1 =
* Fix: for the hidden categories banner, event was set too early, causing incorrect banner behaviour if UK used a different categories type.
* Fix: on opt-out only, preview didn't work because the gethovercolour function couldn't process an empty hex
* Fix: Contact form 7 recaptcha update patch
* Improvement: regex for double statistics implementation was not specific enough
= 4.6.0 =
* New: New Cookie banner variations with new checkbox options, accept all button, etc.
* Fix: revoke on legacy revoke button not revoking correctly
* Fix: in case of categories, paragraph text in cookie policy didn't match
* Improvement: updated EDD licensing code
* Improvement: vimeo with DNT=1 in the URL will not get blocked, as it's privacy friendly, non tracking.
* New: added Rate My Post integration
* New: added ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) integration for Google Maps
= 4.5.2 =
* Improvement: set cookie slug to default empty string to prevent conflict with de_DE plugin
* Fix: setCookie function at one point in code called without expiry, causing it to get set with session expiry
= 4.5.1 =
* Fix: User registration dependency
* Fix: consent management on UK policy not possible due to an incorrect condition
* Improvement: improve conditions and descriptions for selling data elements in legal documents and questions
* Improvement: jquery >3.x compatibility
* Improvement: Divi notice for Recaptcha
* Fix: correctly translate Complianz cookie retention
* Fix: some themes showing double checkboxes
= =
* Fix: in opt out the banner was dismissed after first pageload
= 4.5.0 =
* Improvement: convert region array when enabling or disabling geo ip setting
* Improvement: support for retrieval of second party cookies
* Improvement: dropped deprecated wp.editor in favor of wp.blockEditor in Gutenberg block, added panelrows.
* Improvement: manage consent by category on Cookie Policy
* SSL verify enabled for license verification
* javascript sanitization https://github.com/rlankhorst/complianz-gdpr/issues/260 props pierrotevrard-idp
* Do not automatically enable a service integration after a cookiedatabase sync
* Get screencapture for youtube videoseries
* Catch not existing src in iframe in cmplzGetURLParam()
* Improvement: for the geo ip document redirect, redirect the "other" region to website's base region
* Fix: possible issue when custom editing the cookie policy content because of empty table cells.
* Fix: AMP plugin changed hooks, causing the integration not to work 100%
* Improvement: added AddToAny in the integrations list
* Fix: missing filter in integrations list props @orjhor
* Fix: language selecter services was called 'select {language} cookies';
= 4.4.2 =
* Improvement: pass type to Cookiedatabase: localstorage or cookie
* Fix: custom URL not saving
* Fix: {link} not replaced in new cookie template
* Fix: one function in TGMPA library not prefixed yet, causing conflicts with other libraries
* Fix: cookieFunction and collectedPersonalData sync across different languages https://github.com/rlankhorst/complianz-gdpr/issues/259. props pierrotevrard-idp
= 4.4.1 =
* Fix: improve integration with WP Google Maps plugin
* Fix: template override feature from theme not working https://github.com/rlankhorst/complianz-gdpr/issues/242 props xantek
* Fix: with line breaks in iframe element, https://github.com/rlankhorst/complianz-gdpr/issues/244 props pierrotevrard
* Fix: iframe replacement issue with linebreaks https://github.com/rlankhorst/complianz-gdpr/issues/246 props pierrotevrard
* Fix: purpose section not shown when privacy generation is enabled with UK only
* Improvement: Translatepress support
* Improvement: word "impressum" translatable
= 4.4.0 =
* Fix: OpenStreetMaps (OSM plugin) compatibility fix
* Fix: cookie blocker for ajax loaded content made conditional with a setting in the general settings
* Tweak: allow colon in URL field
* Updated libraries
* Added Impressum for Germany and Austria
* Tweak: optimization of cookiebanner database queries
= 4.3.5 =
* Fix: TGM compatibility fix
* Fix: when dismiss on scroll is used in the US in combination with the hide settings button, the settings button wasn't hidden immediately
* Fix: Improved blocked content activation on ajax loaded content
* Fix: Add try/catch for the strange situation that file_exists returns true while it's not there on wp engine.
* Fix: Mappres integration needed CSS update
= =
* Fix: when user country is not in regions list, an incorrect region was returned, resulting in a PHP warning
= 4.3.4 =
* Fix: Mailchimp for CF7 compatibility
* Tweak: hide license key
* Tweak: added filter to allow to manipulate script output
* Fix: embedded analytics script triggered before consent because regex didn't match the script after PHPcs changes
* Fix: condition on Cookie Policy text field caused field not to be shown when both CCPA and PIPEDA apply
* Tweak: renamed TGM library classes to prevent conflicts with incorrectly implemented TGM libary in some themes
= 4.3.3 =
* Fix: the "all" region was skipped in a region check
= 4.3.2 =
* Fix: autoredirect not working correctly after Canada update
* Improvement: make pages creation an explicit user action
* MPDF package update
* removed divs in legal documents, in favour of p tags.
* Improved jquery activation script for iframes for smoother loading of iframe
* Improved cookie delete option: it will now archive, so won't get added again on new scan
* Improved handling of ajax loaded content in Cookie Blocker (Ultimate Member)
* Fix translation of banner items for multiple language configurations
* Fix: WPML changed index in supported languages from language_code to code
= 4.3.1 =
* Tested for PHP 7.4 issues
* Fix: in add menu step, when no disclaimer was selected, menus were shown double
= 4.3.0 =
* New: Supports the [WP Consent API] (https://wpconsentapi.org/).
* Fix: Type on legal document
* Tweak: filter to change the region dynamically
= 4.2.2 =
* Fix: don't fire cookie blocker when not needed.
= 4.2.1 =
* Fix: use filename sanitize function instead of sanitize_title() for proof of consent files
* Fix: Twitter placeholder string added incorrectly
= 4.2.0 =
* New: PIPEDA support (Canada)
* New: added option to disable all notices
* Tweak: CAOS integration improved
* Fix: remove limit on list of processing agreements
* Fix: bug when searching in Do Not Sell My Personal Information requests
* Fix: allow for private Vimeo video's, props @volkmar-kantor
* Tweak: added option to disable placeholders per plugin/service
* Tweak: Updated WCAG to v2.1
* Tweak: moved custom recaptcha css to integrations modules
* Tweak: added introduction tour
* Fix: user region and consenttype for not enabled regions should return "other", even when the user is from a supported region
* Tweak: made aria-label in cookie notice translatable
* Fix: check if array key exists in GTM4WP integration
* Fix: check existence of table before retrieving services
* Fix: IE11 support for blocked content notice, props @volkmar-kantor
* Tweak: Improved placeholder support for Twitter embed
* Fix: removed unintentional dot before not numbered paragraphs
* Fix: custom policy URL incorrectly caused a not 100% completeness
= 4.1.5 =
* Tweak: improved signature style on processing agreements
* Fix: proof of consent link not working when website title contained an ampersand
* Fix: duplicate function name in contact form 7/G1 Maps integration, and in GADWP and GTM4WP integration
= 4.1.4 =
* Fix: Google Analytics was not blocked correctly
= 4.1.3 =
* Fix: Google Tag Manager integration
* New: Google Tag Manager 4 WP integration
* Tweak: updated default banner colors
* Tweak: improved menu order and tab order on integrations page
= 4.1.2 =
* Tweak: When consent on anonymous statistics is enabled for Germany, Hotjar anonymous version should also require consent
* Fix: add space in "web beacon"
* Tweak: No lazy loading for WP Rocket iframes
* Tweak: offer option to show link to cookiedatabase.org for cookies and services
* Fix: database error on new install because cookies were checked before table was initialized on first activation.
* Tweak: Wp Forms recaptcha integration
* Tweak: Mappress integration
* Fix: placeholder activation for non iframes not working correctly
* Fix: typo in privacy policies
* Tweak: removed some obsolete statements in privacy policies
* Tweak: changed blocked content notice in "accept marketing cookies"
* Tweak: added OSM plugin open streetmaps support
* Fix: is_amp_endpoint function check
* Tweak: moved css to separate plugin integrations
* Tweak: JetPack twitter integration
* Tweak: improved notice when uploads folder not writable
* Tweak: improved non functional and functional cookies check
* Fix: cron was wrapped in logged in check, preventing the cron from running
= 4.1.1 =
* Fix: multiple regions not processed correctly by cmplz_has_region() function
= 4.1.0 =
* New: AMP support
* Tweak: offer option to ask opt-in for statistics in Germany
* Fix: dismiss on timeout not working
* Fix: revoke on cookie policy when GEO ip enabled, US only
* Fix: when no region was selected, a string with empty region could appear in the dashboard.
* Tweak: dismiss the upgrade notice even when no changes are detected.
* Tweak: improved review notice
* Tweak: remove "unknown privacy link"
* Tweak: no need to opt in to cookiedatabase.org when no cookies
* Tweak: dedicated shortcode [cmplz-cookies] to enable users to inlude the cookies list only
* Tweak: adjusted accept all cookies notice in blocked content notice
* Tweak: improve activation of video scripts for smoother experience
* Tweak: drop notification on plugin updates. This function is already handled by the "new cookies" feature
* Tweak: removed double occurence of disqus
* Tweak: added dot behind every paragraph
* Tweak: improve region explanation to avoid confusion
* Tweak: added remove data on uninstall option
* Tweak: extend regex for iframe URL's to support brackets in URL's
= 4.0.5 =
* Add second party service
* Fix: privacy friendly settings got inverted for check if banner was needed for statistics only
= =
* roll back change of moment when placeholder classes are removed.
= 4.0.4 =
* opt in to cookiedatabase.org
= 4.0.3 =
Fix: cookiedatabase sync not synchronizing third party services in multilingual environments
Improvement: improved error messages for sync
= 4.0.2 =
Fix: UK and US policies still used old cookie descriptions
= 4.0.1 =
Fix: banner saving when UK and EU both use categories
= 4.0.0 =
* Improvement: separate consenttype for UK
* Improvement: cookie information retrieved from cookiedatabase.org
= 3.2.4 =
* Tweak: Matomo stats script updates
* Improved javascript array merging method
= 3.2.3 =
* Fix: missing retain data statement in privacy policy
* Fix: missing translation strings
* Fix: not registering strings from cookie translation for multilanguage environments
* Fix: changed placeholder.html in blocked iframe source to "about:blank"
= 3.2.2 =
* Improvement: added option to unlink and customize the legal documents
* Improvement: structure improvements to integrations code
* Fix: UK Cookie Policy URL not added to cookie notice
* Fix: Some questions not showing in wizard for UK region
* Improvement: added integration for GEO My WP members list
* Improvement: added Forminator integration
* Improvement: added Beehive integration
= 3.1.2 =
* Fix: incorrectly forcing en_US language
= 3.2.0 =
* Improvement: added shortcodes to document list on dashboard page
* Improvement: do not activate cookie banner before wizard has completed
* Improvement: added banner loaded jquery hook
* Improvement: The United Kingdom is now a separate region with specific cookie consent management
* Improvement: Script center is now embedded under 'Integrations'. A more flexible approach to blocking and enabling scripts, plugins and services
* Tweak: Tag Manager does not require a categorical approach of cookies
* Tweak: Feedback in dashboard has been improved when changing regions
* Tweak: Stylesheet updates
= 3.1.1 =
* Fix: document wrapped in double div
* Fix: PHP warning caused by empty list of proof of consent documents
* Fix: if upload directory does not have writing permissions, generating the PDF files could cause an error
= 3.1.0 =
* Improvement: proof of consent page, which works as consent registration on settings change
* Improvement: added script dependency array, to enable scripts to fire in a certain order
* Improvement: extended placeholder support for non-iframes
* Improvement: added soft Cookie Wall
= 3.0.11 =
* Improvement: pixel caffeine support
* Fix: version stripping second digit for upgrade check
= 3.0.10 =
* Fix: on saving of settings, when Contact Form 7 is integrated using consent box, mail settings are reset
* Fix: Avia front end pagebuilder getting blocked by cookie blocker
* Fix: Lawfull => lawful
* Improvement: added custom jquery event to hook into cookie consent events
* Fix: set Google Analytics as not functional
* Fix: duplicate advertising cookies settings in US cookie policy
* Improvement: added PayPal cookies
* Improvement: added cc-revoke example
* Improvement: added helptext to explain email addresses are ofuscated
* Improvement: sanitizing of hex color in custom css
* Improvement: WP Google Maps integration
* Improvement: moved do not track me integration to filterable array
* Improvement: comma separated ip's supported in GEO ip
* Improvement: prevent policies from being generated when not activated in settings
* Improvement: pixelyoursite plugin support
* Improvement: notifications when cookie blocker is enabled, to make sure users understand the implications
* Improvement: dropped youronlinechoices as suggested service
= 3.0.9 =
* Improvement: change revoke button in cookie policy to button element
* Improvement: for Tag Manager, a suggestion to set up personalized ads
= 3.0.8 =
* Improvement: add option to configure your own cookie policy URL
* Fix: creating legal document page when none is available after region switch
* Improvement: W3C validator compatibility for documents
* Fix: javascript pattern not matching correctly, causing both text/plain and text/javascript scripts.
* Improvement: recommended action on Google Fonts
* Fix: Pass font color to cc-category class
* Fix: allow for content in iframes tags in regex pattern
* Fix: A/B tracking still in progress notice when only one banner left
* Fix: hide comment checkbox when WP personal data storage for comments is disabled
* Fix: hide security measures question when privacy policy not selected
* Improvement: more info on personalized ads configuration with Tag Manager
= 3.0.7 =
* Tweak: remove blocking of custom Google implementations, as it is not yet possible to reactivate them
= 3.0.6 =
* Fix: new regex did not exclude cmplz-native scripts from cookie blocker
= 3.0.5 =
* Fix: saving when saved data is not an array
* Fix: prevent force category for Tag Manager after switching back to GA
* Improvement: allow for Youtube video series URL
* Fix: several improvements for US documents
* Fix: table remove on plugin deletion
* Improvement: when marketing level category is selected, statistics category should not get consent
* Improvement: not scrolling to top when accepting
= 3.0.4 =
* Fix: expiry days not passed to cookie banner
= 3.0.3 =
* Fix: add href to accept button on cookie banner
* Improvement: [cmplz-accept-link text="accept cookies"] shortcode
* Fix: Cookie policy advertising and statistics cookies settings fix
* Fix: Not saving unchecked checkbox custom document css
* Improvement: Hide filter selects when a/b testing not enabled
* Fix: Privacy statement for eu notice when using US only
* Fix: If page is deleted, stored cookiepage url could be empty
* Fix: When switching settings for advertising cookies, output might show both advertising and non-advertising paragraph
* Fix: No cookie banner mention in cookie policy when no banner is needed
* Fix: Cookie blocker was not activated when only statistics required a cookie warning
* Fix: selecting no thirdparty services or cookies could lead to double activation of statistics
* Fix: Selecting US as target region in some cases did not fire the default consent which is allowed for US privacy regulations
= 3.0.2 =
* Fix: Gravity forms checkbox not generated correctly
* Fix: Brand color not updating in cookiebanner
* Fix: US Cookie policy not showing correct purposes
* Fix: Incomplete cookie causing not reaching 100% without notice
* Fix: Enabling TM categories
* Fix: Elementor forcing lineheight of 0 in embeds
= 3.0.1 =
* Fix: hook for DB upgrade moved to an earlier one.
= 3.0.0 =
* Fix: removed google plus integration, as it's discontinued
* Fix: prevent saving from document URL's on autosave and revisions
* Fix: moved linkedin from script blocked list to async loaded list
* Fix: default region is now one of the selected regions in the wizard.
* Fix: when localstorage is empty, empty array could cause PHP error during cookie scan
* Fix: excluded elementor_font post_type from scan
* Fix: As elementor uses the classic shortcodes in Gutenberg, an exception should be made for Elementor when inserting default pages
* Improvement: completely rewritten video blocking and placeholder code, which should reduce possible issues
* Improvement: added HappyForms integration to enable recaptcha initialization.
* Improvement: hide nag notices from other plugins on Complianz pages.
* Improvement: dropped hook on save_post and insert_post which triggered new scan.
* Improvement: added option to stop scanning every week with define('CMPLZ_DO_NOT_SCAN');
* Improvement: added warning when a cookie is not completely filled out
* Improvement: extended support for different types of IP detection on servers
* Improvement: moved string translation support for polylang and WPML to core
* Improvement: Added option to disable adding placeholder HTML to video's
* Improvement: Added plural for Social Media statement in Cookie Policy
* Improvement: Added exception for Non Personalized Ads in advertisement section in Wizard and in Cookie Policy
* Improvement: Added escaping to outputted javascript, all scripts moved to templates
* Improvement: Moved cookie banner settings to separate table and object
* Improvement: limit ajax requests to a/b testing and multiple regions
= 2.1.8 =
* Tweak: improve escaping of css in document html output
* Tweak: improved Elementor and Gutenberg compatibility for youtube video activation after consent is given
= 2.1.6 =
* Fix: responsive video adjustments
* Fix: z index for blocked content text too high, causing it to float over the banner
= 2.1.5 =
* Feature: WP Forms integration
* Feature: Dailymotion placeholder support
* Improvement: prevent activation for PHP <5.6 and WP < 4.6
* Improvement: clean up placeholder folder every month
* Improvement: regex did not recognize google maps URL because of exclamation mark usage
* Improvement: higher quality placeholder image
* Improvement: when Tag Manager is selected, categories is enabled. To make this more explicit help text is added and the button disabled.
* Improvement: when saving settings in the cookie warning settings, we now maintain the region selection state
* Improvement: download video placeholders to own site to make sure Youtube and vimeo cannot track the users
* Improvement: placeholder img aspect ratio is used to resize the placeholder container div
* Fix: several css styling issues for the center theme with categories: color inheritance of label, display
* Fix: css styling for border with edgeless theme
* Fix: when user states no cookies are used, even if the scan detects them, no cookie banner will be shown, as per the user's wishes.
* Fix: FitVids compatibility for fluid video display
* Fix: empty locales array for cookie cache could cause PHP warning
= 2.1.4 =
* Fix: incorrect PHP opening causing input fields malform on some setups
= 2.1.3 =
* Tweak: option to save A/B testing reports
* Tweak: Purpose description for EU not needed in all situations
* Tweak: Split US and EU cookie banner text, to be configured separately
* Tweak: created a setting to configure blocked content text
* Tweak: Changed check on WP_DEBUG to SCRIPT_DEBUG for scripts
* Tweak: added placeholder to blocked iframes to prevent reloading to homepage
* Fix: In US cookie policy, "we ask consent for statistics" is removed
* Fix: In EU cookie policy, "we ask consent for statistics" is shown conditionally, based on anonymization settings of the statistics tool
* Tweak: added upgrade links
* Fix: empty localstorage and cookie array causing an warning
* Tweak: close button on modal help windows
* Fix: when choosing to configure your statistics yourself instead of matomo/analytics/tagmanager, a warning kept showing in the dashboard.
* Tweak: accept button not fitting in banner when using a very long decline text
* Fix: for paragraphs with both a field condition and a callback condition, the code did not enforce both conditions
* Fix: clang redirect to en locale not adjusted for Gutenberg block recognition
* Fix: if region is not selected, cookiebanner won't show for that region anymore
* Fix: extra line break in readme causing readme not to get parsed correctly
= 2.1.1 =
* Fix: allow reinitialisation of recaptcha v3 in Contact Form 7
* Tweak: prevent dns prefetch for blocked URL's
* Tweak: option to dismiss on scroll or dismiss on timeout
* Tweak: option to share more details on the automated processing
* Tweak: added secure flag to cookie set function when url is https
= 2.1.0 =
* Tweak: Gutenberg blocks from Complianz Privacy Suite
* Tweak: integration with https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-donottrack/
= 2.0.9 =
* Tweak: allow users to keep their own, custom statistics tracking
* Fix: Revoke button text not defined with US only setup
* Tweak: Do Not Track now optional
* Tweak: Do No Track is not used in the percentage calculation anymore
* Tweak: new modal tooltips
= 2.0.8 =
* Fix: remaining time calculation bug
* Fix: privacy statement url to own site in cookie policy not generated correctly
* Tweak: support youtube and vimeo placeholders
* Tweak: uninstall not removing all data. This can be done explicitly in the settings as of now.
* Fix: custom strings not translated properly
= 2.0.7 =
* Translation update
= 2.0.6 =
* Tweak: added some new cookies to the database
* Tweak: changed site_url into home_url in the documents output
* Tweak: add support for blocking of instagram cookies
* Tweak: dropped pattern restriction on phonenumbers, as there are too many local differences.
* Fix: third party privacy statements not inserted in cookie policy
* Tweak: less strict policies for websites who do not target California
* Fix: privacy policy URL's not showing in cookie policy
= 2.0.5 =
* Tweak: changed site_url into home_url in the documents output
* Tweak: added support for partial matches on cookies with the dynamic part in the middle of the string
* Tweak: added some new cookies to the database
* Tweak: ajax call for user data only on first visit
= 2.0.4 =
* Fix: Cookie blocker inserting class within escaped strings.
= 2.0.3 =
* Moved geoip database file outside plugin, as custom extension .mmdb from MaxMind was causing update issues by servers not deleting this file.
= 2.0.2 =
* Fix: Tag manager events not firing outside selected regions
* Tweak: set default region after upgrade from pre-2.0 version
* Fix: showing empty privacy link in US cookie banner
* Fix: count nr of forms, when forms option empty throwing an error.
* Tweak: split checked docs date from edited docs date
= 2.0.1 =
* Tweak: first reported cookies added to the cookie database
* Tweak: Set a default target region if not existing yet.
= 2.0.0 =
* Tested up to WP 5.0
* Tweak: updated Geo IP database to latest
* Tweak: Document styling als used in PDF's and post view.
* Tweak: Dropped Youtube "nocookie" support, Youtube places cookies after first interaction, without consent
* Tweak: feedback on active adblockers or anonymous window during scan
* Tweak: user locking of the wizard, preventing multiple users from editing the wizard at the same time
* Tweak: improvements in visual feedback on validation
* Tweak: user interface design
* Fix: bug in dataleak email sending
* Feature: reporting of unrecognized cookies
* Feature: option to export and import options
* Feature: reset to factory defaults: clear all settings
* Feature: Select both US and EU as target region
* Feature: CaCPA support
* Feature: US privacy statement
* Feature: Do Not Sell My Personal Information page
* Feature: Do Not Sell My Personal Information opt out form & dashboard
* Feature: US Processor agreement wizard
* Feature: US Security Breach notification wizard
* Feature: US dedicated cookie warning
* Feature: COPPA childrent's privacy statement
= 1.2.6 =
* Fix: missing space in privacy statement, incorrect reference to cookie statement
= 1.2.5 =
* Tweak: added monsterinsights integration
* Fix: Privacy Policy did not show the correct paragraph on sharing with other parties
= 1.2.4 =
* Tweak: added a hide revoke button option in the settings
* Tweak: moved statistics script to overridable templates, and included them using action hooks, to make overriding more easy.
* Fix: cookie policy text was not 100% matched when the categories option was selected for the banner.
* Fix: tracking of statistics added new user when the status was not changed.
* Fix: center revoke button not in same style as other revoke buttons
= 1.2.3 =
* Fix: centered banner introduction caused the revoke button to show very large for top position banners.
= 1.2.2 =
* Fix: when no social media was found, this could result in an error on showing the scan results
= 1.2.1 =
* Tweak: show social media and third party services from actual detected list, not from wizard.
* Tweak: calculation of best performer without no_warning status
* Fix: no_choice status not tracked
= 1.2.0 =
* Fix: deleted cookies were added again on the next scan
* Tweak: script center added below menu for fast editing
* Tweak: AB testing
* Tweak: Added new banner position: centered
* Tweak: Added categories in cookies
* Tweak: Added new template: minimal
= 1.1.11 =
* Fix: cookie warning with geo ip and caching cached a user requirement, while the site requirement needs to be cached.
* Tweak: email obfuscation in legal documents
* Tweak: cookie warning a/b testing
= 1.1.10 =
* Fix: statistics should also be loaded when do not track is enabled
* Fix: moved cookie policy change date to separate variable
* Tweak: improved security of cookie enabling script
= 1.1.9 =
* Fix: empty contact key in saving data
* Tweak: overlay over dashboard when wizard is not completed yet, to force using wizard
* Fix: compile_statistics_more_info usage in privacy policy
* Tweak: brand color not required anymore
* Tweak: full integration of Matomo in Complianz GDPR
= 1.1.8 =
* Fix WPML/polylang translation bug
= 1.1.7 =
* Fix: count of warnings bug in wizard completed percentage
= 1.1.6 =
* Added statistics for cookie warnings
* Added Google Fonts and ReCaptcha to third party list
* Tweaked Cookie Policy
* Improved geoip for cached websites
* Added custom CSS option and advanced editing options to cookie banner
= 1.1.5 =
* Tweak: cookie changes not adding +one nags, only in the dashboard
* Tweak: custom plugin texts moved to addendum
= 1.1.4 =s
* Fix: complete rework of third party cookie blocker, dropped domDocument in favor of regex
= 1.1.3 =
* Tweak: use accept text in cookie policy
= 1.1.2 =
* Tweak: added css styles for legal documents
* Tweak: added option to add consent box to CF 7 and Gravity forms
* Fix: several bugfixes
* Tweak: improved feedback on dataleak report
* Tweak: added emailing capability for dataleak reports
* Tweak: added push down style to cookie warning
* Tweak: added Sumo to third party blocked scripts
= 1.1.1 =
* Tweak: updates wizard complete texts
* Tweak: updated known cookies list
= 1.1.0 =
* new dashboard
* added check if consent checkbox is needed on forms
* integrated wp erase personal data and wp export data
* phone numbers not required anymore
* added a < PHP 5.6 warning
* improved dataleaks and dataprocessing
= 1.0.9 =
* Fix: change of textdomain
* Fix: output escaping of html strings
* Fix: scan freezing when http URL's loaded over https.
= 1.0.8 =
* Fix: cookieblocker removed script in incorrect way, causing a php error
* Tweak: set page as processed before the request is made during scan
* Fix: pre 4.9.6 version of wp could not show admin pages due to privacy capability not existing
= 1.0.7 =
* Tweak: complete block of third party scripts until user as accepted.
* Tweak: respect Do Not Track setting in browsers
= 1.0.6 =
* Tweak: added menu selection as option in the wizard
= 1.0.5 =
* Tweak: Improved plugins privacy policy additions: making it editable
* Tweak: hide settings popup for cookie warning on mobile, with revoke link in cookie policy
* Tweak: improved dismiss and revoke functionality
* Fix: some bugs in dataleak decision tree
= 1.0.4 =
* Added scan for social media widgets and buttons
= 1.0.3 =
* Fix: retention period not correctly shown in privacy statement
= 1.0.2 =
* optimized cookie scan
= 1.0.1 =
* Translation fixes
= 1.0.0 =
== Upgrade notice ==
== Screenshots ==
== Frequently asked questions ==